Greg Aler
Greg opened the doors of Golden Reserve with its team of retirement planners, committed to changing and replacing the broken financial advisor model.
Greg grew up with an appreciation for the grit and sacrifice required to achieve the American Dream, watching his parents work 50-hour weeks in small-town Ohio. After graduating from Miami University, then law school at Case Western, Greg followed their example and used that drive to be a part of one of the most profitable law firms in the world.
Yet, while working in Chicago with fortune 500 companies every day, he felt out of place. The experience inspired him to return to his Ohio roots and help the people he knew best and cared for most. Greg started by cofounding one of the largest elder care law firms in the state, AlerStallings LLC. His firm served retirees and their families with easy-to-understand upfront packages, enforced a no-tie policy, and killed the dreaded billable hour legal model. It was there Greg began to see firsthand how the financial industry was failing his retired clients, charging excessive hidden fees, and leaving them exposed to preventable risks that could cost them their life savings.
Seeing retirees fall through the cracks of the traditional financial planning model inspired Greg to create a new type of firm, with a new type of planner, that would dedicate 100% of their focus to tools and resources that hard-working Ohioans in or near retirement deserve and actually need. In 2011, Greg opened the doors of Golden Reserve with its team of retirement planners, committed to disrupting, changing, and replacing the broken financial advisor model and industry.
Greg and his wife, Fernanda, have three children — Lilly, Lola and Louie — plus dogs Hendrix and Joplin. He enjoys cooking, wakeboarding, scuba diving, fantasy adventure novels, and boating around the Scioto River with friends and family.