Four of the Largest Risks
To Your Life Savings

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Risk #1


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Your largest debt in retirement is probably not your mortgage or car payments, but your 401(k) and IRA accounts. Don't think Uncle Sam isn't patiently waiting for payment—on ALL of it.

Financial advisors often tell their clients to wait until 72. Funny, that's the same advice as Uncle Sam and the IRS. They’re hoping you aren't paying attention so they can collect over double the taxes from your spouse and kids when you're gone.

At Golden Reserve, a CPA will build a customized Tax Map designed with the goal of assisting you in minimizing your IRA taxes by avoiding the Widow & Kiddos IRA tax penalties.

Risk #2

Market Risk

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Which of your investments can go backwards?

How much would they go backwards if a 2008 scenario happened again?

Shockingly, few retirees can answer these questions correctly. How is that possible? The risk level of your life savings is one of the most important questions in retirement. Most retirees incorrectly assume the financial advisor they used to get to retirement made the appropriate risk adjustments and re-balancing at retirement.

Our Market Flashlight shows not only the exact percentage of your assets at risk, but how many dollars, down to the penny, you could lose if a 2000 or 2008 market crash happened again.

Risk #3


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How much of your money is going towards financial advisor and investment fees? You certainly won’t find the answer on a statement. And chances are your financial advisor will be hard-pressed to provide a breakdown of their fees and the fees you’re paying for mutual funds.

Our Fee Filter uses special software to break down each of your individual investment costs so you can see the full picture of the fees you’re really paying, and what you're paying the advisor who chose them.

Risk #4

Long-Term Care

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We are living longer now so it makes sense that your largest risk in retirement is long-term care. It's almost a certainty that you or your spouse will need it. And at over $100,000 a year, who is going to pay? Medicare won't and neither will Medicaid, until you’re broke. The bill goes to you and your spouse, and that’s why this boulder is the ultimate retirement killer.

Financial advisors mostly ignore it. Why? They keep circling back to what they know: picking investments and selling pricey long-term care insurance.

Retirement Planners know there are more than just financial options to protect your assets from the high cost of a nursing home, which is why we use our Long-Term Care Compass to find the right professionals and tools to protect you from this big boulder. Often this points us in the direction of elder law attorneys and their asset protection trusts.

Navigate These Risks with a Roadmap for Retirement

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The Roadmap for Retirement℠ is a no-charge, no-obligation plan to address your biggest risks in retirement. Request yours today.

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