Greed. Exploitation. And So Many Fees. All Hiding In Plain Sight.
That's your financial advisor. Whose services and advice have become the outdated VHS player of retirement.
In Fire Your Financial Advisor: 40 years of greed and exploitation of the American Retiree, and how you can fight back, Greg Aler tells the story of how the financial industry created a trillion-dollar empire by withholding information while over-charging and under servicing retirees regarding the real risks of retirement. Greg then introduces the Retirement Planner. This is a new guide who was built to replace the financial advisor and address the four largest risks in retirement today: IRA Taxes, Market Risk, Fees, and the skyrocketing costs of Long-Term Care.

Financial Advisor Performance Review
Is your financial advisor worth their fee? Are they truly working for YOU? Download our FREE GUIDE: The Financial Advisor Performance Review and find out.

How to Fire Your Financial Advisor Guide
You’ve made the decision. Your financial advisor must go, but now what? Download our FREE GUIDE and get our top tips to make breaking up smooth and easy.

Fire Your Financial Advisor Book
Tired of being overcharged and underserved by the financial industry? Learn how you can fight back and secure your retirement.

"Greg makes things both fun and simple in a very important topic. He outlines and picks apart one of the biggest financial frauds impacting the majority of Americans. This book gives you the eyes to see through the marketing and stop the financial hemorrhaging that happens with mutual funds."
- Garrett Gunderson
New York Times Bestselling Author