Our Mission

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Changing the Financial Industry... Together.

Golden Reserve’s mission is to fight back against a trillion-dollar financial industry that has been under-servicing and over-charging retirees for the last 50 years.  The only way we stand a chance—is with a team that always stands together.

Unleash Your Potential: 
Answer the Call to Be a Sheep Dog 

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A career at Golden Reserve is more than a daily grind—it’s a calling.  We operate with a shared core mentality—"Be a Sheep Dog: Protect & Guide”—which embodies our core values. Discover what it means to be a Sheep Dog and unleash your potential as part of the Golden Reserve pack.

Core Values

Ready to Move Mountains?
Do it with the Best.

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justin spring headshot

Justin Spring


Previously: CEO & Founder, Adept 

Previous Career Accomplishments:

Justin's visionary leadership propelled Adept to become a top 10 digital marketing agency in Ohio, consistently anticipating trends and seizing opportunities ahead of the competition. 

Why Did He Make the Move?

"I was tired of being comfortable. I wanted to challenge myself and push my skills further to drive success in entirely new industries and business models." 

Biggest Concern About Making the Move:

"While the decision to sell my interests in my agency was significant, Golden Reserve's potential and talent were undeniable.  My primary concern was maintaining the autonomy I enjoyed as an entrepreneur, but the collaborative and open-minded environment here has exceeded my expectations."


Anna Christine


Previous Career Accomplishments:

Anna has spent her career serving hardworking Ohioans as an estate planning and elder care law attorney. She has saved hundreds of families millions of dollars through proactive planning. 

Why Did She Make the Move?

I made the move to Golden Reserve in order to better serve families.  I was tired of seeing families in a nursing home crisis that had a financial advisor, but no plan for long term care.  I thought it was important to connect with families earlier so that a plan could be put into place and disastrous consequences could be avoided.

Biggest Concern About Making the Move:

I was worried that I would miss being an attorney, but the truth is as a retirement planner I can truly fulfill my purpose of guiding a family.  I love providing practical advice to folks in order to change their life.  As a retirement planner, I get this opportunity every day.

Tim Stallings Headshot

Tim Stallings


Previous Career Accomplishments:

After 5 years at a large national law firm in Atlanta, Tim cofounded elder care and estate planning law firm AlerStallings. To date, the firm has helped over 6,000 Ohio families protect assets from probate, taxes, and long-term care costs. 

Why Did He Make the Move?

“After co-founding AlerStallings with Greg Aler, I knew we could expand our services to the financial industry to help even more. While legal planning is important, through Golden Reserve I’m also able to help retirees protect their nest egg from an industry that far too often overcharges them, focuses solely on investments, and misses the biggest obstacles in retirement.”

Biggest Concern About Making the Move:

“Starting my career as an attorney and expanding into the financial industry required not only a change in mindset, but also additional education and licensing. I knew it would take a big commitment, but the nights and weekends studying paid off. I’m now confident in helping retirees with all areas of their retirement.”


Phil Huff


Previous Career Accomplishments:

Phil has a long history of blazing new trails. As captain of the Kent State Football team, he led the team to win the MAC East for the first time. Over the course of his career, he's carried forward that same leadership, opening a total of 6 offices across the companies he's served. 

Why Did He Make the Move?

It was the people in our company that sold me. We challenge each other to do more and be better. And it was the people we help, the 95-percenters who have worked so hard for what they have. I wanted to be part of the team that protects their hard-earned retirement.”

Biggest Concern About Making the Move:

“I knew this move would take me out of my comfort zone. We’re doing something others in the industry haven’t. It wouldn’t be enough to be a fast learner. We’d need to be world class.”

See What Could Be

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