John Forloine
John joins Golden Reserve with a passion and purpose, having experienced many sides of the financial industry, to ensure his clients have customized protection and planning in their retirement. Because he has seen the other side of things, where the system does not always favor the client.
He’s completely on board with Golden Reserve’s mission to disrupt the one-dimensional focus on “investment management”, by preparing clients for the specific boulders they will face in retirement.
Getting to really know his clients is paramount, as he believes everyone’s backstory, unique goals, and aspirations make it so that there is no cookie-cutter retirement plan. Only your plan. Seeing when clients are excited and successful as retirees because we took the time to do it right, is his greatest joy in this job.
When John isn’t setting up successful retirement plans, he’s hanging with family, friends, and playing in a rock band. Make sure to ask him what his favorite cover song is.