Tyler Strauer
Senior Retirement Planner
In just 6 years in the industry, Tyler has proven his talent. Previously an advisor with two large national financial services firms, Tyler was a consistent top performer who achieved exceptional client satisfaction scores, and the respect of his superiors and peers.
In 2023, Tyler joined Golden Reserve to challenge the industry’s status quo and provide a better options for retirees, one that doesn’t cater exclusively toward high-net worth individuals. As a naturally curious problem solver, he enjoys tackling challenges that seem too complex to others and does so with adaptability and resilience.
Tyler is happiest when he’s spending time with his family, including golden doodles Olive and Zoey. He’s a proud father to daughter Payton and husband to his wife and high school sweetheart, Megan. In his spare time, this University of Toledo grad loves to golf, go to the gym, cook and barbeque.