Dear America, Thank you.

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    Golden Reserve

Father with son celebrating Independence day

I know it must be hard.

Leading 194 countries for the last 125 years.

It’s thankless work.

Pioneering, revolutionizing and maintaining almost every freedom that the world enjoys.

Building the largest and strongest economy that the world has ever seen.

A country where you can do anything – regardless of your last name or where you went to school – if you want it bad enough.


You are the butt of endless jokes.

Attacked at every turn.

Lied about – bullied – and mischaracterized.

Blamed for every misfortune.

But still…

You keep my family fed and protected.

You keep us safe.

You hold together democracy, even when inconvenient.

At times I wonder if you will ever break.

But I know better, I know the answer.

You assume these burdens because you are strong enough to take it.

The scary truth is when you strip off the red, white and blue – underneath is something different.

And despite what the news and internet would want us to believe – a part of each of us is underneath those colors.

For better or worse.

We still hold those fibers as ONE for you.


Some spawned from a group of misfits nobody wanted in 1776 standing up to the world’s largest bully.

Others fleeing a country that didn’t want them.

Others being taken from a home they loved.

But the core DNA with every group on this list – is they had to fight to survive.

They had GRIT to make it this far.

At our Core, you have a country of Doers and Fighters in your corner.

And while it hasn’t happened lately, WHEN we do decide to stand together as One – the world trembles in our shadow.

No person or country is perfect, we have our scars and bruises.

So our faults and misses don’t define us as humans, nor should it define you as a Country.

The fact you stand up to a world who doesn’t want you, or appreciate you – is a testament to your character.

And more than enough of a reason for me to want to stand beside you.

I love you America. And I am very proud to be an American.

-Greg Aler

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