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4 Biggest Retirement Mistakes to Avoid in 2024 

Retirement should be a time of relaxation and enjoyment, not financial stress or regret. Unfortunately, many retirees find themselves facing challenges they didn’t anticipate due…

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Why You Shouldn’t Sit Tight on the Market Rollercoaster

Even if you love rollercoasters, chances are the rip-roaring stock market isn’t your kind of thrill. Yet…

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As the Mutual Fund Industry Grows, So Too Do the Problems for Retirees 

You don’t often hear the word trillion thrown around, unless we’re talking about the U.S. debt or…

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The Myth of the “Certified Financial Planner” Gold Standard 

Let’s talk about the alphabet soup that is the financial services industry. Between the CFPs, the CFAs,…

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Why Do People Hate Annuities? 

Poll your friends and family about annuities and you’re bound to get a lot of adverse reactions….

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Meet the Newest GR Partner, Drew Paul 

When you work hard for your retirement, you deserve to have someone at the helm of your…

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Are Commissions Bad? 

Let’s talk about commissions. For many professions—like real estate agents, sales professionals, brokers and artists—it’s a compensation…

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Here’s What to Know About Fixed Index Annuities

Call it the new kid on the block. Fixed index annuities (FIA) are a more recent offering…

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Heard the Slogan “We Do Better When You Do Better”? In Other Words, Your Advisor Does Well Even When You Don’t

We recently heard a large, national firm use the slogan, “We do better when you do better,”…

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